Hello, everyone In this Article we are going to learn what is Ansible in Linux in a very simple and easy step-by-step approach
Ansible is created by Michael Dehaan and ansible is open-source software. This means that what the coding that needs to develop the ansible is open to everyone ansible source code is open to the world anyone read/write/modify the ansible software
The benefit of making the source code is open is that anyone can able to customize that software according to their own need
In the IT Organisations to give license to every open-source software, there is a firm called GNU ( General Public License ). Now Michael Dehaan makes software called ansible if he does not approve his software with GNU then If there is some issue in that software that is not approved by GNU then no one will is responsible for that accident
Now if any software that is approved by GNU and then if someone faces any issue in that software then that origination will call to GNU for the issue because GNU has taken the responsibility for that software.
Soo the GNU team will do a number of checks on that software and verify whether that software is really good or not on the organization level. If the GNU team approves that software then that software is ready to implement in the organization.
Now the GNU also tell that software company that you also need to give the technical support on that software soo that if any accident occurs then you need to give the technical support on your software
In the ansible case, there is a company called RedHat tie-up with ansible and said to ansible that they will provide the technical support for the ansible software. Now Redhat company is giving ansible enterprise to organization
Use case of ansible
Let’s say that we have 200 App server / 300 Web server / 300 database servers and we have 50 switches and networking device
Now we want to update the patches on all of the webservers and we need to take backup daily for the database server and we need to allow ports on networking devices if we do these tasks manually then it will take too much time and also manpower and time are also takes a lot to do these tasks.
To do these data center tasks automated then there are 2 ways by which we can make these task automated
1 – By using Shell Scripting And Python – The script file can be in any language we mention the number of tasks on the script file. Now When I make that file then I have done on my own and work is doing perfectly.
Now when I resign from the company then a new person is very difficult to identify what I have done in that script file. Now when a company want to do a new task then it takes too much time to make the script scripting is difficult to understand and do the work on it
2 – By using a configuration management tool – When we use a configuration management tool to automated the task then it is very easy for everyone to work on it these tools include ansible.
Ansible works on modules example we need to update the patch on the server or we need to add the files in the server so different tasks have different modules by which we can do our task.
We need to put 1 server in this server Linux kernel must be configured now we install ansible software on this server after that that server is called ansible server or ansible server-Controller.
Now when we install the software using ansible on the webserver or in database server then that servers called Managed-Node these can be windows servers too but ansible controller must be Linux
Requirements for ansible –
The controller node must be Linux here python version for and above must be installed 2.4 Now ansible will work now by using modules on every platform. We can also make the modules on our own by using python language.
This is the complete knowledge of the introduction on ansible if you have any doubts please feel free to comment below. Please don’t forget to join our email subscription to get the latest updates on the Linux post.
If you want to learn Ansible in the most simple language then please click on this link
If you want to learn Linux in the most simple language then please click on this link.