Hello, everyone In this Article we are going to learn what is the File System in Linux in a very simple and easy step-by-step approach.
Linux File System
When we Install the Linux kernel it is installed in one of the partitions called root and that root partition is mounted in the root directory in the Linux kernel
/ is called as root directory in Linux in this directory our root partition is mounted on / directory.
If we want to see the directory structure in our operating system then simply go inside the / directory and execute the below command.
# ls -l
There will be a number of subdirectories inside { / } root directories total is 19 subdirectory inside the root directory like-:
root -> In this directory whatever the root user do the work here that is placed inside the /root directory
boot -> In this directory all the booting file is stored that use to boot up the operating system
etc -> All system configuration stored here all software, Server configuration files goes here
bin -> All Linux commands stored here
sbin -> Here Linux Commands stored here but these commands only executed by root user
tmp -> For storing temporary data
dev -> All hardisk / Pendrive that we insert goes here
home -> Normal user home directory. At the time of installation of the user, we created that user name home directory placed here. If we created more user then with that user name directory is created
lib -> Libraries stored 32 bit
lib 64 -> 64 Bit libraries stored
opt -> In the future if we install any 3rd
party software we will install that goes here
proc -> All process running in linux stored here all process id
mnt -> Mounting information Like if we attached pen drive then it’s information goes from here
run -> Any media device when we attach help to run that device
usr -> All linux commands documentation stored here
var -> This directory store the variable data in which the Operating system writes when it doing its operations.
Syntax of writing any command
To write any command in the Linux syntax is shown below
command [options…] [arguments…]
We can enhance the functionality of the command when we use the option in the command.
We can use arguments when we want to execute the command on a specific location. Sometimes
Please note that we can skip the options and arguments. If we skip both the options and arguments then the command will run in the current location.
Some Important Commands in Linux For Linux File System
( Present working directory ) Below command gives us information about the location where we are currently in
# pwd
(Change directory ) -> Below command is used to change the location of the current working directory. Here we are changing the location to /tmp/ directory.
# cd /tmp/
If We want to go to the last working directory but We don’t remember the last location of the directory then we can use the ( cd – ) command.
For Example, we are going inside /tmp directory. Then we are going inside /media directory.
Again we want to go inside the /tmp directory then we can use the ( # cd – ) command.
# cd -
If We want to go back by one step in directory we can use ( cd .. ) command
# cd ..
We want to go back by two step in directory we can use ( cd ../.. ) command
$ cd ../..
Similarly If We want to go back by three-step in the directory we can use the ( cd ../../.. ) command.
If you want to learn Linux in the most simple language then please click on this link.
If you want to read Wikipedia for the Linux file system then click on this link
This is the complete knowledge of the Linux File System if you have any doubts please feel free to comment below. Please don’t forget to join our email subscription to get the latest updates on DevOps Articles.