Hello everyone In this Article we are going to learn How to assign permission in Linux using the numeric method in files/folder in a very simple and easy step-by-step approach
Assign permission in Linux using the numeric method
In this article, we are going to learn how we can assign permission to files/folder using the numeric method.
Read – 4 in numeric form
write – 2 in numeric form
execute – 1 in numeric form
If we want to give permission using a numeric method for /Directory. To see the default permission on /Directory. We can use # ls -ld /Directory command
- owner = rwx = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+2+1 = 7
- group = r-x = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+0+1 = 5
- other = r-x = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+0+1 = 5
Using #chmod 755 /tutdevopsdir command we can assign the suitable permission on folders/files
Now we want to assign full permission on /tutdevopsdir
- owner = rwx = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+2+1 = 7
- group = rwx = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+2+1 = 7
- Other = rwx = To assign same in numeric method then we can do as 4+2+1 = 7
And the current permission on the content inside of /Directory directory is something else.
Soo we want to give the same permission on data that is inside of /Directory to their child directory and folders.
#chmod 777 -R /Directory– Where -R is for recursive to assign the same permission inside the /Directory. The same permission must be assigned to the child directory and files like the parent directory.
But if we create new files/ directory still it gets the default permission.
Now If we want to change the owner of the directory to harry with all the files/folder .
How to change owner inside the files and directory
# chown harry -R /tutdevopsdir – When we add -R option in a chown command this will helps to change the owner of the directory as well as its child directories/files.
Now If we want to change the group owner of the directory to student group with all the files/folder .
How to change group owner inside the files and directory
# chgrp harry -R /Directory – When we add -R option in a chgrp command this will helps to change the owner of the directory as well as its child directories/files.
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