How to Configure YUM Repository in Linux

Hello everyone In this Article we are going to learn to How to Configure YUM Repository in Linux in a very simple and easy step-by-step approach

How to Configure YUM Repository in Linux

How to Configure YUM Repository in Linux

yum is known as Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM). This utility is used to install updates remove the packages from the Linux.

The disadvantage of using rpm is that we cannot able to resolve the dependencies in the package manager but with the yum package manager we can resolve the dependencies.

How to configure yum locally?

First, we need to create the directory where we are going to put all the packages that are placed inside our DVD, Here my CentOS DVD is attached to my server.

In this case, We are making the directory name as local_repo

mkdir /local_repo
Screenshot 48

With the help of df -Th command we can see that our CentOS DVD Is attached to my server

Screenshot 45

Now we are going inside the CentOS DVD Directory

# cd /run/media/root/CentOS\ 7\ x86_64/
Screenshot 46

Now we are copying all the Directory and Files that are inside The DVD To the /local_repo directory.

# cp -rvf * /local_repo
Screenshot 49

After that, we are going inside the yum.repos.d directory where we need to create the file that contains the local_repo directory path. Right now there is nothing here

# cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
Screenshot 50

We are creating the file as example.repo here in this we are defining the Parameters that need to configure yum repository . Here

name – We are defining the comment here

baseurl = We are defining the path of the directory where we placed the CentOS DVD content

enabled = 1 = This means that we need to active this repository

gpgcheck = 0 = This means that we don’t have any key now if we have the key then we can define the path of the key soo that when we install the Package it will be verified with the key

name = This is my First yum repository file
baseurl = file:///local_repo
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0
Screenshot 53

Now run yum clean all command

Screenshot 51

Now run yum repolist command to check everything is working

Screenshot 52

How to configure YUM Repository in a single command

We can also configure Yum repository using single command as shown below

# yum-config-manager --add-repo=file:///local_repo
Screenshot 54

Now when we go inside /etc/yum.repos.d directory we can see that the local_repo.repo file is created automatically

Screenshot 55
Screenshot 56

How to change the Global Yum repository file

We can also edit the Global yum configuration file so that if we don’t add the parameters in the above file that will be picked from the global file only.

Here we are editing the gpgcheck as 0 this means that if we don’t specify the parameter in the custom file then this will be picked from the global file

Screenshot 58
Screenshot 57

How to make Custom Repo Data

We can also create the Custom repo data in Linux,

This means that when we add or remove the packages in the Linux then the yum repository must be informed what we added or removed.

We are creating the directories as software/itrpm

# mkdir -p /software/itrpm
Screenshot 59

Now we are going inside the CentOS DVD Directory

# cd /run/media/root/CentOS\ 7\ x86_64/
Screenshot 60

Now we only need Package directory not all files and directory

# cd /Packages
Screenshot 61

Now we are copying the all data inside the Packages directory to the /software/itrpm directory.

# cp -rvf * /software/itrpm
Screenshot 62

Now we are going inside the /etc/yum.repos.d directory and we are creating the file as itrpm.repo,

Here we defined the baseurl as the /software directory

Screenshot 64

Now we are creating the repodata for the /software directory with the following command.

Please note that whenever we add or remove the Packages then we have to execute the command soo that this will update the yum repolist

# createrepo -v --update /software
Screenshot 66

Now when we go inside the /software directory we can see that the directory named as repodata is created

Screenshot 63

Now we need to execute # yum clean all command

Screenshot 65

Yum commands

Command to List all the packages

# yum list all

Command to List only Installed packages

# yum list installed

Command to Check weather the Particular Package is there or not,

Just add the package name with the list option in yum command

# yum list httpd

Command to get information of the Package

Just add the package name with the info option in yum command

# yum info httpd 

Command to Install the Package

Just add the install option with the package name

# yum install httpd

Command to update the package

Just add the update option with the package name

# yum update httpd

Command to Install the package

Just add the install option with the package name and we are adding the -y option because this will not prompt the yes/no to install the dependency

# yum install httpd -y

Command to Remove the package

Just add the remove option with the package name, This will only remove the package their dependency will not remove

# yum remove httpd

Command to Remove the package With dependency

Just add the autoremove option with the package name

# yum autoremove httpd 

How to check the logs of the yum command

First we need to go to the /var/log directory , Then execute the following command to get the logs

# tail -F yum.log

Suppose we want to install the web server and we don’t know the name of the package then we can add search all option in the yum command with the phase we want to search

# yum search all "web server"

Similarly if we want to install mail server and we don’t know the package name then we can do this same trick .

# yum search all "mail server"


If you want to learn Linux in the most simple language then please click on this link.

If you want to refer online manual for the yum command then click on this link

This is the complete knowledge of How to Configure the YUM Repository in Linux using the yum command if you have any doubts please feel free to comment below. Please don’t forget to join our email subscription to get the latest updates on the Linux post.

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